Another ending drawing near. My animation project has been coming along swimmingly I should say. One of the problems of finishing things earlier than planned is that you get tempted to get really finicky with what you have. At this point, I can do a lot of things to my work, and I'm tempted to, but it's time to wrap things up. I won't be posting any more WIP's for the time being for personal reasons. But the final product is soon to come. I'm hoping to be able to apply for film festivals with it. I don't know if my film would be good enough for festivals, but it's worth trying.
In other news, I just got a fancy mail in the post from the National Society of Collegiate Scholars saying I've been nominated to become a member. And I've decided to accept.
Also got into two internships in NYC- one administrative, one hands-on. Still waiting to hear back from others. I think, by this point, I have applied to more than 30 places.
Another project that needs to be done by the end of the quarter is a live-action film relating to the Deaf experience for my Deaf Art & Cinema class. I'm working with 4 other people. One of my weaknesses, apart from obsessing constantly over tiny details, is the fact that I always feel the need to take charge over things. Not dictate things- but just constantly nag people till they do what they should be doing, trying to get the best out of them. I trust people to do their work (for the most part), but just not to their best of abilities. I feel it should be different out in the real world, where everyone's as dedicated as I am. Right now though, all I want is for my team members to reply to my e-mails :)
I am also going to be returning to my translating job again. My friend who went to Croatia for a study abroad last Spring, met Shawn Convey, a photography student who graduated from RIT and lives in Bosnia with his dance activist girlfriend, Ashley Fargnoli. They both had gone to Kolkata (my hometown in India) and had shot footage at an institution called Kolkata Sanved where they promote Dance Movement Therapy. They have over 60 hours of footage for the documentary they want to make- DMT -, including interviews in Bengali. They need translations. And I'm doing it for them. I had done some last winter. Then things were paused for a bit becuase they've been busy with fundraising and such. Now I'm getting back to it, and I'll be doing more for them. I think I'm probably still the only translator they have.
It's a lot of fun and it brushes up my Bengali, even though it doesn't need brushing up. Being almost tri-lingual is something I'm unashamedly proud of. :)
Quote of the Day: "The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page".
I really wanted to say "Well-behaved women seldom make history", but that barely applies ...
Good night.